


The Missions program at Redeemer Presbyterian Church is defined as any endeavor to fulfill the Great Commission of Christ by proclaiming the Gospel of Christ, making disciples, and relating to the comprehensive need of mankind, both spiritual and physical. The scriptural purpose of Redeemer Church's involvement in missions is:

To fulfill the Great Commission of Christ (Matt. 28:19-20)
To share Christ’s heart for the world (Matt. 9:36-38; 18:10-14)
To build up the body of Christ through discipling (Eph. 4:12-16)
To minister to the totality of human need (Matt. 25:31-46)
To obey Christ by confessing HIM before a watching world (Matt. 10:32-33; 25:41-51)


The committee to carry out the mission is composed of members from Redeemer who have a heart for missions.
The current committee is:

Scott Horne, Chairman

Sharron Gandy, Secretary

Janet Haworth, Treasurer

Sam Smyth, Correspondent

Mark Haworth

Mary Young Manning

The committee sets the budget for a year (September to August) from a giving method of Faith Promise. Anyone may join the missions committee if they have an interest in missions, desire to learn more about missions, are willing to work hard in a mission’s capacity, and have a vision for missions. The committee usually meets once a month to pray and discuss various issues.

As you will see, this is a working committee which is charged to pray for each of our missionaries. The committee gets updates and prayer requests and must keep these before the congregation. Please pray for this committee as it carries out the task to glorify GOD.
The money pledged for Faith Promise will be distributed to the following:

Trey and Kiki Adams

Frank Harrell, 

Sam and Jen Huxford

Derek and Catalina Kreider

Robert and Lisa Stewart 

Jeff and Jamie (last name withheld for security) 

This amounts to $24,000 per year with $92.50 in contingency. Missionaries are paid on a quarterly basis as the funds become available.

Additional mission projects undertaken thus far:

Clothing and supplies for children (through local schools)
Manna Drop at the church
Baby Bottle Boomerang (Options Now pregnancy resource center)
Operation Christmas Child (Samaritan's Purse)

The missions committee has enjoyed working with the congregation on these projects and witnessing how God blesses our outreach.

What is "Faith Promise" giving?

It is a method of giving in which the believer first looks to the Lord “in faith,” asking how much HE would have the believer give, and then promises to give as the Lord directs. Our prayerful goal is to host regular missions conferences with special keynote speakers and visiting missionaries participating. At the end of the conference, everyone who feels led may take part in submitting a Faith Promise pledge. The Missions Committee then distributes the pledges for the subsequent year with Session approval. Our first year (September 2014 thru August 2015) $24,092.50 was pledged.